Alyssa Milano responds to controversy over Shannen Doherty’s firing from Charmed

Alyssa Milano responds to controversy over Shannen Doherty’s firing from Charmed. Holly Marie Combs accused Milano of being behind the firing of her co-star and sister in fiction, Shannen Doherty.

By Megan Sauer

Shannen Doherty, Holly Marie Combs and Alyssa Milano in ‘Charmed

In December, Holly Marie Combs disclosed that when Shannen Doherty was dismissed from ‘Charmed.

She had a meeting with Jonathan Levin, the series producer. Levin conveyed that Alyssa Milano had presented them with an ultimatum, stating “Either she, or me.”

Faced with this dilemma, they opted to replace Doherty to sidestep potential legal issues related to a “hostile work environment.”

Doesn’t say no
It seems that neither Combs nor Doherty agree that the latter created any difficult situation or bad behavior during filming.

“I couldn’t have been kinder and more understanding,” Doherty says, and over the years Milano has also admitted some of the blame: “I believe a significant portion of our conflict stemmed from a sense that I needed to compete [with Doherty] instead of being able to embrace the brotherhood that held great significance in the series.”

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“I feel some guilt for the role I played in all that.”

However, after Combs’ words and at a fan event in Orlando, the MegaCon, Milano was asked again if that happened as her partner says, and the actress has not denied it:

I expected this subject to come up sooner or later, and my intention is to address it thoughtfully. I must express that I feel a sense of sadness.”

I don’t think I’m really sad about myself or my life or how this affects me or not my life. I feel sorry for the fans.

What saddens me most is that a series that has meant so much to so many people has been tarnished by a toxicity that even today, almost a quarter of a century later, is still valid. It saddens me that people can’t get over it. It makes me sad that we can’t all just celebrate the success of a series that meant so much to all of us.

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I’ve worked very hard in my life over the last 25 years to heal all of my trauma, and not just all of the trauma that I experienced while filming, but all of my traumas.

“I’ve dedicated significant effort to address and heal those aspects because I recognize that individuals in pain may unintentionally cause harm. My goal is to be a person who has undergone healing and contributes to the healing of others.”

Created by Constance M Burge and produced by Spelling Television, ‘Charmed‘ aired for eight seasons, three of them with Doherty, who after her departure was replaced by Rose McGowan as the third sister (to complete the power of 3).

It also starred Dorian Gregory, Julian McMahon, and Brian Krause. In Spain, the series is not available streaming, but you can watch its remake, ‘Charmed‘, on HBO Max.