Walt Disney envisioned Frozen in the 1930s. After decades of setbacks, the story found its magic in 2008.

it's the first animated feature film by Disney to be directed by a woman! Jennifer Lee

Elsa, Frozen's original villain, transformed into a sisterly figure in Disney's quest for a film about family love.

Animators brought a real reindeer to the studio for study, a common practice at Disney.

Frozen and Frozen II is one of Disney's top films and highest grossing animated movies globally.

Elsa, at 24, is the oldest Disney princess. Anna, 21 in Frozen II, makes them the oldest princesses in a film.

Hans, at 23, is Disney's youngest villain, reflecting his initial role as a perceived hero.

Gloves symbolize concealment. Elsa hides powers, Hans suggests untrustworthiness.

'Let It Go' song written in a day, it symbolizes Elsa's liberation, ranks among Disney's all-time favorites.